Homeward Bound

Sorry for the long overdue post, folks! The past few weeks have hurled past me and just realized today it’s been nearly a month since my last post!

Big, big changes since the last post though:

a) NO MORE NAUSEA!! – well, okay so ALMOST no more nausea…but I don’t get sick anymore. Okay that’s a lie too, I’ve gotten sick twice; once after a hearty breakfast, I was brushing my tongue, gagged and then threw up and then the second time was yesterday at lunch – had some left over thai noodles and it just didn’t sit well in my stomach. Although no nausea, I do get major major acid reflux. Oh well, I’d rather have that then be getting sick.

b) I am HUNGRY all the time! But of course there is a caveat to that as well…if I eat to the point of satisfaction, then I’ve eaten too much and I feel way too full and so so sooooo uncomfortable. My fellow pregnant friends have told me to enjoy it now because you’ll get full even quicker in the advance months…awesome. So eat in moderation – got it. But food tastes SO good now, SO SO SOOOOOOOOOO good, sometimes I can’t stop myself. And being too full comes with a wicked case of acid reflux…and I’m pretty sure I’ve weakened whatever valve is between my esophagus and stomach from all the throwing up because I feel like half the time I’m burping up whatever I ate for a few hours after my meals.

c) WE FOUND OUT THE GENDER!!! Went in for the 20 week anatomy scan but asked the technician to withhold the sex from as as we were going to have a little reveal party. She wrote it down on a piece of paper and sealed it in an envelope. I miraculously was able to deliver the envelope to the baker without opening it before I got there. I love love the image of the feet and hand waving hello…can’t wait to kiss those in 17 weeks!

Unfortunately, doctor couldn’t get a clearer image of our little one because apparently, Baby is a mover!

Of course, me being a freak and liking to ruin my own surprises I thought I caught a little glimpse of a pee pee (having seen other boy ultrasounds). I think the technician was a little shocked so she promptly moved the screen so I couldn’t look anymore hahahaha. So when I cut open the cake:

“Twinkle twinkle little star, how we wonder what you are”

I wasn’t completely surprised, but I was absolutely delighted to confirm that I did in fact see his little penis.  IT’S A BOY!!! We’ve decided to name him Ezra Zane (Korean name somewhat TBD). Both are strong names with great meanings. Ezra = Helper and Zane = God is gracious. We hope to raise him to honor, love and serve God. 

Can’t wait to welcome our little Ezra

But yea, I don’t know if it’s because he’s a boy or what, but wow he is the active one! I feel him moving throughout the day…a kick here, a punch there, a squiggle or two in between (yes, I dunno if he’s swimming or dancing, but it feels like what a squiggle would be). And the hubby has finally felt him move too! These feels are altogether quite alien, but the weirdest is when he kicks inwards towards my bowels, I swear he is trying to stick his foot out my butthole. 

D) My belly is finally starting to show…I think it started around week 21/22 actually and exploded out of nowhere for sure. Funny thing…in the first 20 weeks, I only had a net weight gain of 6 pounds. Since week 20, I have gained another 7 – oops! I will need to monitor it a bit and make sure to gain no more than 1 pound a week until I deliver otherwise I will be uncomfortably huge. But here you go, belly at week 22:

It’s finally starting to come out! And I’m pretty sure there’s a vast difference from 22 to 23 too!

Well, that’s all for now…we are now in the home stretch or just short of the third trimester. At 23 weeks, I am more than half way done with pregnancy! I am so excited to meet our little Ezra…I feel like these next 17 weeks will fly by. I promise promise PROMISE to do a better job of updating in the weeks to come!