The Final Countdown

OMG – only 13 more weeks to go until I pop this baby out…where has all this time gone? It felt like it was only yesterday I was waiting for husband to come home from basketball to share the news! The weeks when I was overwhelmed with morning sickness dragged on and on and on, but all of a sudden, BAM, third trimester! I’m so excited to meet our little one, but really nervous about all the events preceding and proceeding his arrival (i.e. labor, birthing, excruciating pain, episiotomy, breast feeding, protecting Ezra from all the evil things in the world etc).

The past few weeks since my last entry have been for the most part uneventful…minus getting contractions (not the Braxton Hicks kind) a little bit on the early side – that was a couple of days of high anxiety, but all’s well that ends well. Doctor has formerly grounded me from my jetsetting lifestyle and has instructed me to take it easy.  No more flying for the next who knows how long is a very depressing thought, but oh first world problems, haha.  So other than that little bump in the road, we’re back on our way!

To commemorate the beginning of the third trimester, here are a few top five moments of pregnancy so far:

Top 5 Things I Have Missed While Pregnant:
1. Sleeping on my stomach
– have always been a stomach sleeper since I was a baby, and boy do I miss being able to sleep on my stomach. I had the absolute delight the other week of being able to lay comfortably on my engorged stomach during a prenatal massage thanks to some special cushions. It was so heavenly…50 minutes of pure bliss.
2. TUNA AND YELLOWTAIL – Pregnancy hasn’t really stopped me from eating sushi, but I have at least had the proper sense to abstain from high mercury fish. Sadly, these two are my absolute two favorite fish – raw, cooked, however it’s presented, I will devour it in one bite! I have instructed Husband to have tuna and yellowtail at the hospital as soon as I give birth. What I would kill for even a tuna fish sandwich or grilled yellowtail collarbone…DROOL
3. A solid night of sleep – sleeping is starting to get quite difficult with a growing belly. Also, with the growing baby dancing elaborate jigs on my bladder, I wake up at least 2 times a night to go pee pee. I’m pretty sure though that my solid nights of sleep are pretty much over for the next two years…unless we decide to add another member of the family so my sleepless nights may be a way of life for the next 4 or 5 years. I’m sure it will be worth the sacrifice.
4. Pad Thai – everyone and their mother now knows how much I loved and adored Pad Thai…sadly, this relationship badly soured with the onset of morning sickness and we are now mortal enemies. I missed it dearly and awaited for the time of morning sickness to pass and for us to renew our relationship…but even though I am now able to eat everything grown/raised/cultured under the sun, Pad Thai and I cannot seem to make amends. Since then, I am guilty of having found a suitable replacement, Pad Thai’s spicy little brother, Pad Kee Mao.
5. BEER – OH MAH GAH, what I would do for a tall glass of brew…a pilsner, a heifeweisen, a pale ale, the list goes on…anything but stout really. Although I’ve probably broken every “do not eat” rule, there have been enough studies of how alcohol effects the fetus that I have stayed clear from any form of alcohol. For the most part, I do not think about drinking vodka or wine or the likes, but I REALLY WANT SOME BEER!! Like right now with my brunch would be divine. Cold, crisp, bubbles tickling my nose, the buzz after my first beer (LIGHTWEIGHT, I know)…the more I write about it, the more I want to crack open a tall Delirium Tremens and get a little tipsy, hee hee. I might need to add beer to my last of things to have Husband bring me while still in the hospital after delivery!

Top 5 Annoying Things About Pregnancy
1. Swamp ass
– not sure what it is about being pregnant, maybe higher blood volume or something, but I get SO HOT…down there. I mean swamp ass doesn’t even fully describe how hot and sweaty it can get down there. The other day, I was in a meeting with our contractor and it was so freaking hot in his office. When I got up to leave, I was mortified to see that I had left a sweaty butt print on the leather seat. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh well. Trust me, I’m not the only one in this predicament – just probably one of the few audacious enough to admit that I have a sweaty, swampy nether region.
2. Peeing a little when you sneeze or cough or laugh – I don’t mean like fully let go of your bladder, but a little squirt here and there. Now don’t go thinking whenever you hear me sneeze, guffaw uncontrollably, or cough that I just pee pee’d a little…it doesn’t happen every time, but it definitely happens more than I would like to admit. Again, there is a direct correlation of baby bouncing on the bladder and pee pee’ing unexpectedly. Also, I hear it gets worse after you give birth because of the strain and trauma your underparts have to endure (elective cesarean anyone??) However, I have heard doing your Kegels helps this situation out, and although I have been working on my Kegels, it’s hard to elevate the thought of exercising your vagina to a certain plane of consciousness.
3. PrEgNaNcY BrAiN – I am not a forgetful person…however, pregnancy brain fogs up my mind so much I forget simple things like how to work the espresso machine or what day of the week it is. I hate HATE hate becoming so forgetful, huge pet peeve of mine.
4. Emotional roller coasters – you know how PMS comes with waves of emotions? Well, at least that happens only once a month…since about week 20 or so, I have been on an up and down scale of emotions. One second, I can go from being normal and happy to angry and annoyed. This simple video (Adam and Dog – a 2013 Oscar nominated animated short) had me in tears at the end. I was deeply disturbed/moved when I drove by a thoughtlessly run over duck in my neighborhood being mourned by two other ducks.  I mean the list goes on of what causes the tears and the elevated blood pressure. I’m hoping that this doesn’t mean I will have some crazy postpartum depression, fingers crossed.
5. BO – Never had it, but damn, I don’t know if having a boy in my body has elevated my testosterone production or what, but wow, I smell so bad. And it doesn’t take much to make me sweat these days, so my fight with BO is pretty much an all day battle…one which I am losing. I use deodorant, but due to pregnancy brain, I forget sometimes, hee hee hee. Sorry in advance!

Anyway, I think from now until the end of pregnancy, I will be posting more Top 5’s of pregnancy – the good, the bad and the ugly! Until then, my belly at week 26…rockin’ out in a bikini. Oh yes, yes I did – and felt damn sexy!
