Hello world!

Facebook Baby Announcement

I’m pregnant… 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant to be exact. And we made our baby announcement via Facebook yesterday! (See above) I know it’s a little shy of the “safe zone” of announcing pregnancy, but we had our 12ish week check up the other day, followed by early testing (to check for chromosomal abnormalities like Downs and Trisomy 18) and Baby Lee seems to be healthy. So I thought it was okay to share with everyone…and you know, it’s not official until it’s on Facebook! I was bursting at the seams to tell people, but I managed to keep it to my family and a close group of friends.

Once I figure out how to do it, I’ll have to post the video of us telling my family.

Some of the top questions I’ve been asked since telling my friends and family that we’re expecting:

1. Were you trying? Not really, but not entirely not trying – if you know what I mean, hahaha…but come on, do you really expect a newlywed couple to be using protection?? Marriage allows us to finally delve into the carnal desires with which God blessed us and not feel guilty about it afterwards. It’s time to finally let your hair down and get it on, baby. And get it on again. I mean, we’re lucky we even made it three months into marital bliss without getting pregnant. We for sure should’ve had a honeymoon baby! (p.s. I don’t believe in female birth control – a discussion in it’s own, but I think it is harmful to women’s bodies no matter what doctors say)

2. Are you ready? Heck yea, I think my calling in life is to be a mommy. I adore little children. If I love other people’s kids so much, I can only imagine how I will feel when I am finally holding my own child. However, I think my brain is slow to catch up with my heart. I have had several dreams where I show up to school or work and I am totally unprepared. One dream, I went into my class to take a test and was horrified to see that it was in Russian! I couldn’t remember anything and I was panicking to the point of tears. As of late, those dreams are less frequent, so I think my brain is finally coming to terms.

3. How do you feel? I tell people it’s been hard, but hard is not even close to how I actually feel. In all honesty, the first trimester has been horrendous. Between the fatigue, the constant nausea, and the expelling of bodily fluids out of all ends, it sucks. I’m not sure if I’m a little worse off than other pregnant ladies or if the majority of pregnant women feel this way, but it has not been easy. DAMN YOU, EVE AND YOUR DECEPTIVE WAYS. I will post more about this later in more detail.

So yes, I have started a blog to chronicle my next 6 months of pregnancy. And perhaps continue with the joys and woes of child rearing and explosive diapers. I will have pictures, videos, and much more in the days to come! Thanks for tuning in! And don’t forget to watch The Neighbors on Wednesdays @ 7:30/8:30PM ET! And vote for them here for Best New Comedy!

One thought on “Hello world!

  1. Pingback: What Came Next | Beyond 40 Weeks

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